yoga sutra 2:46
Sadhana Pada, second chapter, of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. 2:46 "sthira-sukham-āsanam". Asana is the third limb of the eight limbs of yoga and the one that's mostly known in the west, for it is the physical aspect of yoga. Through asanas we can directly work with the physical body to cleanse and detoxify it. It aims to make the body temple firm and strong to best access the mind field, which is directly linked to the body, as well as the breath. These postures (asanas) should be 'sthira-sukham-āsanam', meaning the postures should be steady and comfortable. Once a meditative posture that brings comfort and steadiness is acquired, then the flow of energy in the subtle body is also accessed, and this movement of energy can begin to free up space after releasing stored up stress and tension, so that the energetic work of transformation can begin to happen. When in that state of firmness, steadiness, endurance, and awareness, we can access our deepest connection between mind, body, heart, and soul. Intelligence, joy, and goodwill will be experience through the radiance of our own inner Self, which will begin to be felt and that's when we will know joy. As steady and full of ease our asanas become, more steady and full of ease our minds will be. Though it might not feel like that at first when practicing these asanas, through constant and steady practice that ease and comfort will begin to manifest, even in small amounts, but it is in those little tiny moments is when the magic happens. It is in that state that grow and change, necessary to form a strong mind and an unwavering will and spirit, can take place. When practicing, remember to practice with this sutra in mind, sthira-sukham-āsanam. Go easy, relax, and feel your body, and breath, even if you think you can't. The picture below is #uttithahastapadangustasana one of the poses that challenges me the most. When I am juggling too many things on my mind, it immediately reflects on the capacity to balance in this pose. Here is the pose with some sukham, sanskrit for happiness and lightness. Stairs sukham āsanam.