The coffee & stories society

What is The Coffee and Stories Society?

A gathering of multi-passionate individuals, whose bigness cannot be contained into one box, nor can it be reduced to a specific label.

These are Artists, Writers, Yogis, Poets, Seekers, Creator, and more…

They are Poetic Warriors.

These Poetic Warriors are those on an insatiable quest for beauty, meaning, grow, inspiration, and expansion. They are, as Ram Dass once said; “walking each other home”.

Through journaling, storytelling, conversations, image making, meditation and more, we will tear down the walls that have kept us small. We will allow a bigger space for us to dismantle the programming that has kept us running everybody else’s stories or agendas.

English Writer Virginia Woolf once wrote about the importance of having a room of one’s own. Patty Smith, American singer, songwriter, poet, painter, author and photographer talked about having a room of one’s own also in the mind, and my heart deems these statements as higher truths.

The Coffee & Stories Society aims to be a space of our own, for our own undoings and unlearning, for reevaluating, and for pushing forward the sign posts that have marked our limitations.

These are meetups that intend to take back what Poet Mary Oliver rightly called: “our wild precious life”.

The seeds of inspiration for such a space date back to my college years. A Humanity elective college class I took where I learned about Gertrude Stein and her Saturday brunches at her home-art saloon where Artists, Writers, Thinkers of the day mingled and exchange creative ideas.

With the added element of yogic and introspective practices like journaling, conscious breathing, and meditation, this becomes a powerful space of our own to live powerfully in our own truths.

Join me to gather and meet and be inspired!

when is the next meetup?

December, 7th, 14th, 21st.

Three end-of year celebration to take the reins of our life back and lead our poetic warrior hearts to a higher vibrational levels before the end of the year. We will be meeting the first three Saturdays of December, the festive month, to enter that very space of our own.