where yoga and art meet

where yoga and art meet

Hi! My name is Patricia, but everyone calls me Patty.

Welcome to my little universe!

This space is my creative outlet where I can express the lessons of my life’s journey through stories and teachings of all that inspires me.

Writing is my therapy, and it is also my outlet for self expression and creativity. Yoga is my spiritual discipline. Sharing what I have learned and put to practice, and what has yielded me beneficial results is my passion.

I was born in Caracas, Venezuela. I call home Miami, USA, where I have been living for the past 25 years with some intermissions: a couple of years in New York City working in the Fashion Industry and in Switzerland and Panama travel-teaching Ashtanga Yoga for a season.

After a long career in the fashion industry, I followed the way that led me to Yoga. The action of journeying outside the chosen path set by society gifted me much growth and transformation.

It hasn’t been an easy road to travel, but it has been one that has filled me with a sense of joy, drive, and purpose.

In my ever changing journey, I am always a student, whenever I happen to be…

I embarked on my yoga journey in 2010, which led me to find the Ashtanga Yoga system in 2011. Ashtanga Yoga is a yogic practice I have remained devoted ever since.

In 2013, I completed Miami Life Center’s very first training under the guidance of my Senior Teachers, Kino Mc. Gregor. This organically led me to the passionate path of teaching and sharing the Ashtanga Yoga method.

I travelled to Mysore, India, in 2015 to study under the guidance of my Teacher R. Sharath Jois, the highest authority in Ashtanga Yoga.

Upon my return, I completed a two year apprenticeship program at MLC under the guidance of my mentor Tim Feldmann and followed by workshops with various other Senior Ashtanga Yoga Teaches in the west.

After continuous trips to Mysore, India, to practice with my Teacher R. Sharath Jois, I received his formal blessing as an Authorized Ashtanga Yoga Teacher.

When in Mysore, India, I have also studied Yoga philosophy and Sanskrit recitation of the old scriptures with Professor Rao, Dr. M.A. Jayashree and Professor Sri. M.A. Narasimhan.

Yet, I consider myself to be the most faithful to my daily Journaling and Meditation practice, as I do not take days off from journaling, more specifically. As a Serious Daily Journaler, I journal on my days off from my Ashtanga Yoga practice and even on holidays, so journaling is the introspective practice I am indeed the most faithful.

I began journaling upon awakening ten years ago, and I have not stopped flowing into a free stream of consciousness morning ritual writing ever since…

My aim is for students to have their own personal development tool box to self-regulate amidst the constant chaos, movement, and stressors of the world.

May my search for joy in the littlest of moments, stillness in the madness of life, and the romantic ways which I aim to live my days, serve to remind you that these experiences are always available to us.

And, may you feel empowered and inspired to follow the road signs of your very own true path.

With much love and Gratitude,
